Our Beliefs
In our campaign, we are pro-choice on abortion. Abortion is legal up until the twelfth week. A woman is allowed to get an abortion without the consent of her parents or specific other. No government can restrict access to abortion, or deem it illegal until the twelfth week has passed. All abortions, however, must be done by a trained professional in a clean, safe environment. Information regarding abortion and abortion clinics are allowed to be present in all medical buildings and every woman must be informed of the option to abort. Insurance can pay for abortions. Aborting in the cases of rape, or incest must be paid by the attacker or government. This policy should be taken on by the legislative branch of the United States government.
In our campaign, we are pro on corporal punishment. Corporal punishment is a physical punishment intended to cause physical pain to a person. This is often used for minors in school and home settings. This can be used for behavioral issues.
In our campaign, we are pro on extradition. All countries should allow extradition no matter the diplomatic relations between them, so long as the fugitives are treated humanely. The fugitives should be given to the country where they committed a crime and help them in a fair trial. Then the countries should ensure that the prisoners are acted upon in a way that promotes honesty without force. All countries should support this trade to keep the world safer.
In our campaign, we are pro on lowering the drinking age from twenty-one to eighteen. People at that age of eighteen are labeled “responsible enough” to vote, serve in the military, and buy drugs such as tobacco. Yet when certain topics come up like the drinking age, they are considered not mature enough to handle the associated responsibility. Lowering the age would provide many benefits including improving the economy and giving the Government more tax money for other systems that need more funding.
In our campaign, we are con on drugs. We believe that illegal drugs are unacceptable in this safe country. However we support medicinal drugs. Regarding the Canada drug trade, the United States should try to stop all illegal drugs imported into America. Over the years Canada’s drug smuggling wasn’t a high priority. Although with the new findings of $30 million dollars worth of illegal drugs from Canadians has captured our attention. Most of the findings of illegal drugs from Canada over the past few years have been found on passenger ships. We should now try to stop all illegal drugs from Canada by placing more border control officers along all borders and at all outgoing docks to stop the drug trades on boats. We need to stop all illegal drug trading as it is creating a dangerous environment. Because there are still illegal drugs smuggled in the country more people, who usually illegal are tempted to do illegal drugs. If we do nothing these effects will only get worse.
In our campaign, we are pro metal health. This means that we support helping those with not so good mental health. With more soldiers, there can be a sufficient number of fresh reserves ready to defend the country in case war breaks out. Aside from that, since there are more troops there is less tendency for individuals to be re-deployed several times during their service period, allowing them more ‘downtime’ and hopefully decreasing the number of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) cases.
In our campaign, we are pro on refugees. We believe that people from any background are welcome in America. However, they should come to the country legally. This goes in hand with extradition. If illegal refugees come and they have committed a murder they shall not be apart of this country. If refugees go through the legal process they are allowed to live they haven’t committed a crime.
In our campaign, we are pro-vaccine. Everyone that can be vaccinated needs to help the whole population and protect those who cannot because if one gets sick the rest of the herd gets sick. Vaccines have no correlation to autism and that not vaccinating is against the state law in the United States of America.